Grant of FMA sent this one from an old (large format), Choppers Magazine. I've seen this bike on some blogs but not this great centerfold shot.
The two Geese below were sent in courtesy of Vilmino of LoserRules. If you haven't gone there, check it out. It's in Italian, but there's no need for an interpreter to enjoy the photos. They both are from Easyriders.

This one sports an Indian type girder, instead of the more typical Dick Allen style springer.

Goose Girl approved.
For many years an old gooseneck Sportster sat in a buddy's shop awaiting resurrection. The color?.... metal flake blue of course!
Blue sportster -arrow enterprises? Rock n roll enterprises? Kevin dealy?. This bike belonged to my roommate in Santa Barbara ca. , Dave kull. The bike was sent down to the south bay to be totally re done. Blue metal flake with a cartoon of pogo smoking a joint. The bike was a gooseneck 18 over springer' sb sissy bar' 1965sporty motor built up mag fire and lots a chrome. Kevin and john from Michigan' and skip came up to see Dave a lot. Before he lost his leg he said he was part of the waterskiing crew. This ring a bell?
The Blue Sportster I'm talking about was sitting at Larry Settle's shop in Harbor City for quite a long time. Once Larry got around to rebuilding the engine, Chris who paints next door, bought it and re-did it all including a yellow paint job.
That bike belonged to Paul Schneider. Easyrider magazine January 1975. That's Paul riding. HE NOW LIVES IN SC.
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