A while back, Bruce Parrish sent these shots of a Knucklehead that was willed to a to a friend. It's a South Bay chopper that now resides in Utah. 
After talking with Joe Hurst and taking a second look, it was determined that's not a Dick Allen springer. Dick's were too narrow for probably even these small disc brakes. Plus, this has offset trees, so it's likely a Sugar Bear springer. It's hard to tell if the frame is a highly modified Harley or aftermarket. I'm going to say the collector exhaust is from Alphabet's Custom Cycles.

One of the most interesting features of the bike is the top motor mount. It's exactly like the one on Dick's Loco Motion in that it bolts directly to the rocker shaft ends and like on Loco Motion, it has open rockers.
Having a friend pass is hard to take, but what a inheritance/memorial.
You know, Viv Ross told me that Phil Ross built some springers to fill orders for Dick Allen a couple times when he was in the Greybar Hotel.
Phil fabbed them, but Phil used a hex bar on the front forks, under the lower springs - that way they were Dick's, but then again, they weren't. Most people if they have a DA springer, don't notice if this little detail is there or not most of the time.
Yes that is a awsome thing to be willed a sweet bike like that . HELL MY DAD IS DICK ALLEN THE ONE N ONLY N I GOT SHIT.MY understand a guy named lou,,i just meet him nice guy i hope he will see it in his heart tho to let me build my bike with my dad parts it would be awsome if I could get some stuff . IT SUCKS TO BECAUSE IV BEEN TRACKING THE LOGMOTION sincec 80 WIN I decaverd my father was dick allen. All I every wanted was to meet n ride with him. I WILL RIDE A CHOPPER WITH DA SPRINGER LOGOMOTION 2. HIS LEGEND WILL CARE ON. LOVE TO ALL THAT LOVED N REMBER HIM .xDarcy Allen
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