Tuesday, January 25, 2011

NY South Bay Chopper?

In this case, NY means Neil Young. Vilmino of LoserRules sent an email reminding me of this photo. It's been floating around the blogs for sometime. (this version is a little larger than most). Since I've recently been very focused on the South Bay Style, it seemed like a good time to bring it up.

The sissy bar swoop and Dick Allen style springer pretty much say it's origins or influence are from the south bay. I found a version of this photo with the only credit being, circa 1992 near Sturgis. I'm guessing it's not Neil's bike, but rather someone asked him to pose on it. Can anyone provide more information?


Masterlink Lee said...

That looks like a sugar bear springer with bear's small number 1 rockers.

Chris K said...

I thought it might be a Sugar Bear fork and now that I look again, it has off-set trees as his do.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Would you be interested in selling that print of Neil Young? That’s if you still have it.

Chris K said...

I can't sell a print of it since it's not my photo.