Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pack Rats

Talk about a Garbage Wagon.

I remember when a rat bike was just an old bike (sometimes chopped), that was greasy and grubby with maybe a few odd pieces that were usually functional.

Now it seems it's mostly about piling on useless junk. Sorry but, I don't see what's cool about that!?


drsprocket said...

How'd you like to change that rear tire or repair a flat, or adjust that rear chain. Wonder how that motor cools in the summer out west. I'll stop now. I could go on, and on, and on.

Doc said...

Well, one things for sure, if anybody needs anything, this is the guy they probably go to. I see a few things on there I could have used at least once. Ya never know when you'll have to Bit a wild horse or pad one elbow. I certainly don't need a kick in the ass to figure who I'd rather ride with; him or the weekend/outlaw insurance salesman.

Chris K said...

The guy who owns it says he's ridden it for 34 years and more than 600,000 miles. BTW, He looks a bit more like a insurance salesman than an outlaw. Actually, he owns a Tool Supply Co.

His site:

maaku aren said...

looks my brain turned inside-out.