Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Freeway Flyer Fats

Joe Hurst sent me this photo last Feb. It's a cool pic, but it was really badly distressed. So every now and then I'd do some retouching to it and today I finaly finished it for publishing.


Saturday, February 24, 2024

First Big Twin

This was July '84 on the day I brought home my first big twin. It was a '72 Shovelhead in a '74 frame. I traded my '71 Sportster and some cash to my friend Larry Settle for it. I didn't leave it like this very long and much later I kind of regretted changing it. Maybe it was the style and the flames on the tank, but it seemed like every Japanese bike that came along wanted to race.

It's kind of a funny coincidence that 9 years earlier on the day I bought my Sportster, I also wasn't wearing a shirt.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Joe Builds a Knucklehead

A few weeks ago Joe came to town to work on and mock up his Knucklehead so I stopped by to visit and help him decide what fender to use
Joe's had a bunch of bikes but never a Knuck
The narrow glide is for the mock up.
Steve Sharp is building a 4" over springer for it
Joe takes a break to get a little ride in on the Chrome Bike

Sunday, January 14, 2024

CK's 1970 Electra-Glide

This is probably the best photo of me and my bike. I believe it's from about 2009. I bought it as a wreck in 1992 and finished restoring it in '94. It doesn't look much different now. I'm not sure I can say the same.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Uncle Nick

I wasn't aware of this until last year.

My cousin sent me this photo of his dad when he was stationed in New Caldonia during WWII. He knew I was into Harleys and about 40 years ago he told me that one of his buddies told him to take it out for a spin. Not too far along he said he dumped it and that was enough, so he left it and walked back. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


I've been meaning to post this cartoon for the last several Earth Days but was either out of town or just didn't get it posted in time.

If you've wondered why I don't post much anymore, there's a few reasons.

1. Starting in about 2012 daily views started to drop when everyone started switching to Instacram
2. My artwork was/is constantly being ripped off.
3. My entire blog, photos, written words and all are being lifted and posted on several unscrupulous blogs that have no respect for other people's content/property. (I'm not talking about those that harmlessly lift a cool photo or two), everybody does that.

So, if you're seening this post and it's not on MCart, you're reading it on some thieving jerk's blog.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Slick Trike

I'm posting this trike because it's a perfect example of the kind of things that got me interested in bikes and trikes when I was a kid.

I still have a thing for stuff like this.
From the Stiff Speed Blog.

Header Art

These headers were both used for a very long time. The reason they are being posted as content is so they will be archived. I will be posting a few others that never were archived so they will be included in my art searches
Hopefully I'll get the time to post some new content soon.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Goose It

Arte sent me these awhile ago. It's his buddy Chucko. I believe the Gooseneck was done by Skip Fisk. It looks like the neck is lower than on some others.
The bike features some South Bay standard items. Dick Allen Springer, collector exhaust, Sportster headlight, and sissy bar swoop support.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Dick Jammin

Another never before published photo of Dick Allen headed down the Hwy.
Photo courtesy of Joe Hurst.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Dick at Bonneville

Dick Allen and company (coming or going?), at Bonneville. Just another cool photo by and from Joe Hurst. Not to mention it goes with the header.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th of July

...and the rockets red glare...

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A Loco Notion Part 3... Done!

It's been several months since since I've posted anything and really long since Arte finished this bike. As a matter of fact it was finished two years ago this month!

As they say, better late than never.

Keep in mind, Arte was going for his own take on Loco-Motion, not an exact clone. I really like the stance from this side.

Arte had the muffler re-chomed since these photos so it now looks that much better.

Arte takes a break to enjoy some iced tea. Hmmm... sort of looks familiar?

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Art Imitates Life

That's how one reader saw it.

About a year ago I received a purchase notification for one of my Old School Panhead prints. Soon after, the purchaser (a South bay resident), sent me a couple of images of his brother' bike from days past with the following message: "Now you know why I had to have the print".

 It's pretty cool that my art stired some fond memories.

Leonard, Thanks for your support and for sending the pics.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

More White Bear at Tridents Show

Two more cool cool photos (this time Polaroids), of Joe's White Bear at the Trident's show from about'72.
Pre-belt drive open primary featured a chrome chain for show. Barrels were aluminum sprayed.
As good as they get. White Bear was the epitome of the South Bay Style.

Friday, September 9, 2016

A Crazy Idea... or a Loco Notion Part 2

Arte knew that one of the most important parts of this build would be the forks. He figured that even if he could find a set of Dick allen forks, they'd need to be refurbished and re-chromed. He also wanted to run a front brake which would be a difficult fit in the very narrow forks. For these reasons he decided it would be better to source a new one.

He contacted an individual who builds Dick Allen style springers. The conversation was friendly until he mentioned a brake, then the old timer turned cold and said what he's heard before, "you can't run a front brake on them, it ain't going to work!" 

After that pleasant exchange he contacted Sugar Bear. Sugar Bear makes them two ways. Very narrow for no brake or slightly wider with a provision on each rear leg for a brake anchor. And in addition to his two styles of signature rockers, he still offers the Dick Allen type.
Sugar Bear proudly holding the newly finished forks. He makes them look very small. Arte started to wonder, "were they really 12"over?"

Arte not really being a long bike guy and a bit of a conservative builder, ordered a 12'' over springer. He knew he wasn't trying to build an exact clone, but rather kind of a Loco-Motion tribute bike in the general South Bay Chopper style. After putting in the order, he started to wonder if he should have gone for 15" over?

Sugar Bear said they would be done in about six to nine weeks and they were. 

While waiting for the forks Arte had been busy working on all of the stuff covered in part one, plus painting the tanks and building the motor. 
Arte did a slight variation of the lines surrounding the lettering. Working from old and tiny photos, he did his best to capture the feel of the lettering on Dick's tanks.
The left side was even more challenging since fewer photos exist of it.

The engine started around an old set Knucklehead heads, lifter bases, and a few other parts he's had for many years. The cases are new S&S with a alternator left side for modern reliable juices. It was also chosen for the readily available and less costly '70 and later OEM electric starter hardware.  
The New Old motor in all it's glory. A good last minute decision was to send the new cam cover out for a polishing.

Since Arte now had his forks, he could finalize the rake and weld up the neck.

A narrow glide spool was chosen for the 18" front wheel which he also already had. The front and rear brake are late model swap meet finds. Again readily available and cost effective. Also, since he's used them on more than one build, he's very familiar with setting them up.
Some last minute checking of the stance before the tear down.
Off the bike he thought the forks looked short, but once mounted he was happy with them.
Did I mention Arte does his own paint?

Once torn down the frame was lightly molded and painted. Now the final assembly would begin.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Captain un-America Your 15 Minutes Are Up

I just read on the Vintagent that Cliff Vaughs recently passed. I mean no disrespect by the title as Cliff himself mentioned his fifteen minutes of fame in a comment he left on that blog. I also used the term un-America. Because being black and an activist, likely lead to him being a mostly unknown co-creator of two of the most famous motorcycles there's ever been. Sort of a underground unsung anti hero.
In truth, in the scheme of things Cliff really only got about fifteen seconds of fame compared to all the hoopla the film created. Photo from the Vintagent blog.
Larry Marcus is credited for building the B-Bikes made for the stunts/wrecks at the end of the film.

In recognition of Black History Month, In Feb. 2012  I tried to give some due credit by depicting Cliff and Brother Ben Hardy building the Captain America chopper.
Prior to that I posted this of Ben from Roth's Choppers Magazine. Click on it and read the text.

For more about Cliff, go to the link below. It has several links to previous articles 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

White Bear at Tridents Show

Six years ago this month I do my first post on Joe Hurst and his bike White Bear talking about how I first saw the bike at the Tridents car show (LA Sports Arena '71-'72?), and how it made an impression on me. So after these six years of getting to know Joe, talking with him, and posting a bunch of his photos, a little earlier this year he sends me some more pics from the show. WTF!? Here's the link to the first post
This really takes me back to the memory of walking up and first seeing it at the end of the aisle. A couple of other other interesting things. 1. Check out the pin striped mufflers on the yellow bike. 2. Check out the people. We used to dress nice to go to a custom car and motorcycle show. Not like the bums we are today.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A Family Affair

The family that rides together stays together
This doesn't appear to be done just for the photo. Note that everyone has a set of foot pegs and the youngster up front has a grab rail. The bike is a 1971 Electra-Glide.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Even More South Bay Originals

Angel Marc sent more photos awhile ago and I thought it's about time I shared them.
Lindsey(up front) and Alki Al trailing. I'd say it's near the Hermosa /Manhattan Beach border.

Angel Marc and Lindsey in front of the Club House.

Marc's photos are truly among the best historic chopper photos around. If you'e never seen them click on the label/link Angel Marc, or South Bay Originals just below this post. Even if you've seen them they are worth a second look.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Crazy Idea... or A Loco Notion

Our story begins about a year and a half ago when Arte accompanied me to the Dick Allen Memorial party. 
 Arte got to thinking... Since he already had a few parts like some knucklehead heads, a flat rear fender, a Wassel peanut tank, a Lucas tail light, and some Anderson pegs.Why not build a Dick Allen Loco-Motion inspired chopper? It didn't have to be a perfect clone, but rather something with the general look plus a few of his own touches and some updates for comfort and safety.

First up was the exhaust. Arte had made a few collector systems before but it had been with existing mufflers. A friend was throwing out some stock 3" dresser mufflers so he took them to play with.
A Goldilocks tale. From the bottom up: A collector he had laying around. At about 3 1/4" It was a bit too big in diameter. The middle one was an experimental first try with an improvised turn out (it's since been refined with a proper one). Top: I gave him an old muffler with a good turn out and he got the next try just right.
Moving on to the tank. Dick's tank rested high on the backbone Frisco style... so out comes the tunnel.
Tunnel relocated and front filler piece ready for welding. After welding, the sides were indented

Arte chose a Kraft Tech frame to stay within his budget. While he's not crazy about the thicker 1 1/4" tubing, Kraft Tech's $400 swap meet price made it easier to live with. Also, since the frame will be black the larger diameter won't be so noticeable. While at the swap meet, he ordered a seat from Bar Enterprises. While Dick used a very thin cobra, Arte being a senior biker made a concession for a little more back comfort.
With a frame in hand work began on a South Bay Style Sissybar and the fender mounting. The swoop bracing was made as a separate bolt on section to make chroming and installation easier. 
Tabs were added for passenger pegs and at the rear for some turn signals and running lights. This was done to keep it legal (easier to get pass the CHP inspection), and to be seen on the busy SoCal streets.

Stay tuned for part 2.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Kern River Run

The 22nd Kern River Run was last weekend. It's an annual South Bay event honoring Fats. I'm always out of town when it's happening, but my art made it on this years T-shirt. 
They slightly modified my old header art it to make it Fats and Dick... and yes, it was done with my permission.