Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Goose Neck King

Here's some more cool photos from Mr. Hurst. These are of Skip Fisk's bike. If you were in the South Bay and wanted a Goosed frame, Skip was the man. Check any old magazine with a Goosed Chopper and Skip's name will likely be mentioned in the builder's specs.
Skip is on the left. For a Goose, it's a fairly compact chop and is the only Goose I've seen that didn't run a long springer. 
The neck itself doesn't appear to be as kicked out as seen on other Geese. It's more like the intent was to lower it than stretch it. The molding is nicely done and a bit different than most others as well.


KNUCKLE BUSTER 1939 said...

I guess by the second pic he realized those gauges (in the top pic) were pretty much useless from a riding position....

Noot said...

That bike is soooo rad !

Unknown said...

ask skip about "arrow enterprizes" and then "rock&roll ent." who was kevin dealy? do you remember dave kulls "pogo" gooseneck sporty?? kevin had a hand in the majority of the frames built at this time. funny how he gets "swept under the carpet". how do I know?? I was daves roomate in santa barbara at the time. skip and kevin came up from la all the time.dave was part of the southbay crew. (one leg)

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