Monday, January 30, 2012

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

...or, A Boring Post.

I hate to admit it... yesterday was our first ride of the year. Lately things have conspired to keep it from happening but, knowing it was probably going to be a nice day, I just had to get the bikes out.

Now, there's a Big Dirty Secret here in SoCal. Whenever it's warm, the local news will ultimately say, "it was a beautiful day out today!". What they don't mention is, that when it's warm, it's usually very dirty, as in smoggy and I personally don't see the beauty in that.

Yesterday, was one of the rare warm but, cleaner days we get. Like the day after it rains.

To the west you could see the rarely visible San Nicholas Island and Catalina was so clear it looked like it was only 10 miles away.

My big mistake was that I didn't take a camera along so, I took a few photos upon our return to personally log and remember the day.


Mike Davis said...

keep my bike running good so when I buy it's ready.

Chris K said...

Yes Sir!

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