Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spring's Wretched Header

I like the way this art turned out, so it will likely serve as the header until June. 
I did the line art about two years ago. Here's how it came about.

Hey Chris,
Jeff leighton here. We talked at the swap meet about you drawing something for a friend and I for a little project we are doing. I would like it to be cartoony like the old roth decals but at the same time very apparently Dave and I and our bikes. I have included pics of the bikes and us. There are 2 pics of Dave riding his south bay style knucklehead. We would like him riding it with afro blowing in the wind and everything. I also sent 2 pics one is of my 1938 UL flathead chopper, I would like the drawing to be of me riding that bike, the other pic is of me riding the knucklehead. I sent that because I would like the drawing to be me looking the way I do in the picture. black beanie sun glasses and black gloves. The name of our company thing is, " The Wretched Hive" so we would like that to be big on it also.

 Take these two guys...

 on these two bikes...

make it look sort of like this...

and you get this.

It turned out to be one of my all time favorites. 

1 comment:

Jeff said...

It's my favorite piece by far. It came out so good. I totally slacked and never really put the other shirts for sale. But I have ran out of almost all of them. Gonna reprint it very soon. Thanks again Chris

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